C Course Homework

Homework 5 - Insertion Sort and Binary Lookup

Note: Due to inconsistencies with the clock() function in time.h , you don't have to do the timing portion of this homework assignment. However, instead of doing the timing, you will have to write some code to test your binary lookup routine (for the smallest array only with 10 elements). I have removed references to timing (or marked them as optional).

Here is some sample output...

Things You Will Need to Know/Learn:

Program Description

For this homework assignment, you will write a sorting routine, a lookup routine and test both in relation to correctness. You will be will be implementing a function which performs Insertion Sort (a sorting method) to sort an array of integers in increasing order. The Insertion Sort method will be described in detail in class. You will also be writing a function which performs a binary lookup to see if an element exists in the array. Note that although these two routines are the only code you are required to implement as functions, you may also wish to implement other parts of the program as functions to make your program easier to read and understand. To test your sorting routine you will have to build random arrays of various sizes by using the random number generator to fill the array slots.

Insertion Sort Routine

The first function you will have to write is the function which does the actual sorting. This function will work on an array, data, with size data elements. The prototype for the function is shown below (you should not modify the function prototype in any way).

void insertion_sort(int data[], int size);
/* An integer array, "data", with "size" elements is sorted. */

Briefly, an insertion sort assumes that the first k elements of an array are already sorted. The sorting method then takes the (k+1)st element and moves it back through the array until it is in its appropriate position. So if we have an array with 6 elements (3, 7, 18, 9, 15, 6), it is sorted as follows:

  1. The first 1 elements (3) are assumed to be sorted (always true as long as the array is non-empty). The 2nd element (7) is moved back in the array until it is in the appropriate position for the elements checked so far. 7 is already in the correct position, so the array looks like:
    3, 7, 18, 9, 15, 6

  2. The first 2 elements (3, 7) are assumed to be sorted. The 3rd element (18) is moved back in the array until it is in the appropriate position for the elements checked so far. 18 is already in the correct position, so the array looks like:
    3, 7, 18, 9, 15, 6

  3. The first 3 elements (3, 7, 18) are assumed to be sorted. The 4th element (9) is moved back in the array until it is in the appropriate position for the elements checked so far. 9 is swapped with 18, so the array looks like:
    3, 7, 9, 18, 15, 6

  4. The first 4 elements (3, 7, 9, 18) are assumed to be sorted. The 5th element (15) is moved back in the array until it is in the appropriate position for the elements checked so far. 15 is swapped with 18, so the array looks like:
    3, 7, 9, 15, 18, 6

  5. The first 5 elements (3, 7, 9, 15, 18) are assumed to be sorted. The 6th element (6) is moved back in the array until it is in the appropriate position for the elements checked so far. 6 is swapped with 18, then 6 is swapped with 15, then 6 is swapped with 9, and finally 6 is swapped with 7, so the array looks like:
    3, 6, 7, 9, 15, 18

  6. Finally, the first 6 elements are assumed to be sorted which is how many elements we initially started off to sort. Done.

Binary Lookup Routine

The second function you have to write is a way of looking up or finding an element in a sorted array if the element exists. The method you should use is a binary lookup. Binary lookup takes a key as input (the key which is being looked for) and looks in the middle of the sorted array of data. The key is repeatedly (or recursively) compared to the middle element until the key is found, or all possible locations in the array where key might be found have been searched. Each of these comparisons has three possible outcomes:

  1. key = middle element ==> the key has been found at the position (index) of the middle element.

  2. key < middle element ==> the key must be located in the left half (smaller half) of the sorted array if the key exists.
    Repeat the comparison with only the left half of the array using the middle element of the left half to compare against.

  3. key > middle element ==> the key must be located in the right half (larger half) of the sorted array if the key exists.
    Repeat the comparison with only the right half of the array using the middle element of the right half to compare against.

By repeating this process over and over again, you can see that the key will eventually be found if it exists, or that the next half of the array to be checked (the left or right half) will be empty (contain no elements) which implies that the key does not exist in the sorted array. The binary lookup routine looks for a key in a sorted array, data, with size elements, and stores the index (position) of where the key is found (if it exists) in the array in the memory location position . If key is not found in the array, the function returns 0 and sets position to the value of the nearest element in the array. On the other hand, if key is found, the function returns 1 and sets position to the index where key was found. Here is the function prototype (again, you should not change this):

int lookup(int data[], int size, int key, int *position);
/* Lookup "key" in "data". Return as the position value, the */
/* index "key" is found at or the value of a nearest element. */
/* If "key" is not found, the return value should be 0. If it */
/* is found, the return value should be 1. */
/* "data" is assumed to be sorted. */

Testing Your Program and Main

Your main program will have to test 4 different array sizes, 10, 100, 1000, and 10000 elements. You will have to do the following for each array:

  1. Fill the array with random integers using rand().

  2. For array size 10 print out the contents of the array.

  3. Sort the array using the insertion sort routine.

  4. For array size 10 print out the contents of the array.

  5. Test the lookup procedure on the sorted array by doing 100 random lookups. For array size 10 do only 20 random lookups and print out the results of the 20 lookups (see the sample output ).

As for hw4, your program should not take any user input.  


Style -- 2 points total

Correctness -- 6 points total

Compile the program using "% gcc hw5.c".
Run the program and verify:

You can see the sample output to see what my program produced. Note that the student's output may differ, but should convey the same information. Do not deduct points if the student did not reduce the number of possible random numbers using the '%' operator.


Deduct 3 points if the program does not compile.
(use "gcc <filename.c>" or "gcc <filename.c> -lm")


From a high level perspective, bubble sort repeatedly starts at the end of the array, and "pushes" (by swapping elements) the smallest element to the beginning of the array.
Insertion sort repeatedly starts at the beginning of the array and adds one element into the sorted array one element at a time (like sorting a deck of cards).
From more of a programming perspective, bubble sort and insertion sort have similarities and differences.

Similarities between Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort:

The range of the inner loop is where bubble sort and insertion sort differ.

Differences between Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort:

The bottom line is both sorting methods accomplish their goal, but they distribute their workloads differently.
YOUR program should implement insertion sort.

Star Solutions - Insertion Sort and Binary Lookup