CMPS 160 -- Lab Assignment 2

Due date:
Midnight, Friday, April 10, 2015


Create a triangle primitive and play with interaction with buttons.



This lab assignment will form part of your CMPS 160L grade. The other component of CMPS 160L grade is your attendance.

Comments (header block and inline comments for javascript) will account for 20% of grade. Remaining 80% for functionality, split 50-50 between random and subdivided triangles.

The header block should contain at least the following information: name, cruzid, date, and brief description of your program. This will be true for all future assignments and programs.


5	comment block
5	separation of javascript from html
10	inline comments
40	random triangles and button events
40	subdivided triangles and button events

Who graded your assignment:

matthew : ahosick -- jbernay
jiayu: jchen160 -- tmlinejo


Submission must be done using the "submit" command from CATS.

This command should work from Create and submit a subdirectory called lab2. It should contain all the files necessary for this program run. Tar or zip up lab2 before submitting.

Last modified Sunday, 05-Apr-2015 18:25:24 PDT.