CMPS 160 -- Lab Assignment 1

Due date:
midnight Friday, April 3, 2015


Get started with WebGL.



This lab assignment will form part of your CMPS 160L grade. The other component of CMPS 160L grade is your attendance.

Here's what I told graders about grading this assignment: "do add a comment to explain why they have less than perfect score. e.g. missing comment block (-5 for html and -5 for js), or if code still looks very complicated (-10 if it has extraneous stuff like handling mouse events or unused libraries for matrix/vectors..), or -10 if no inline comments for gl calls inside js file. also -50 if does not show a simple triangle wireframe."

Who graded your assignment:

jiayu: ahosick -- jbernay
matthew: jchen160 --tmlinejo


Submission must be done using the "submit" command from

This command should work from Create and submit a subdirectory called lab1. It should contain your html file and your javascript file. Tar or zip up lab1 before submitting.

Last modified Saturday, 04-Apr-2015 09:59:22 PDT.