CMP 160 -- Programming Assignment 1

Due date:
10:00am TUES, 10/5/99


Warm up program to take care of any technical difficulties, administrative issues, etc. that you might run into. Also introduces OpenGL.

Understand coordinate system of OpenGL, and how to draw basic primitive shapes such as rectangles, lines, and text.

To Do:


The 2d text call is now working! If you have not seen this message before and have already downloaded the files please re-download prog.c! ..or at least look at it for the minor changes. All others (graphics.h, gui.h, gui.c, and the makefile) have not been modified. To print 2d text, you can call print_string(char *s, double x, double y). Thanks for your patience. -Jack


Last modified Monday, 11-Oct-1999 10:42:03 PDT.