Scan Intron Database

Scan a database of introns confirmed by cDNA/EST alignments for patterns at either end. A 'n' in the pattern matches any single nucleotide. A '!' in the pattern matches anything except for the following nucleotide.

End of 5' exon pattern: Start of intron pattern:
End of Intron pattern: Start of 3' Exon pattern:

Invert Query


Putting 'gc' in the start of intron pattern and making all of the other text fields blank and pushing the "Submit Query" button will give you a list of all genes containing an intron which starts with the nucleotides 'gc' instead of the usual 'gt'.

Leaving 'gt' in the start intron pattern and 'ag' in the end of intron pattern, but checking the "Invert Query" button, will return a list of all introns that don't include the consensus sequence at the ends.

Putting 'g!t' in the end of intron pattern and making all the other fields blank will return a list of all intron that start with the 'g' consensus, but have something other than 't' for the second nucleotide.

Making all of the fields blank will return a list of all introns. Beware - this is about 10 megabytes.