CMPE 16---Applied Discrete Math Fall 1997

Kevin Karplus

My CE 16 web pages are rooted at .


Classes meet MWF 2--3:10 in Kresge 321. You are expected to attend every class.

Discussion Sections

The TA, Doanna Meads, will hold discussion sections

day time room
Tues 12-1:10 Kresge 323
Wed 11-12:10 Porter 148
Wed 12:30-1:40 Soc Sci II 179
Thurs 2-3:10 Soc Sci I 161
You are expected to attend at least one discussion section each week.

Office Hours

Kevin has office hours in 315B Applied Sciences, Mondays 11-12 and Wednesdays 3:30--5 (right after class). He will generally not be available on Tuesdays or Thursdays, except by e-mail. Doanna will not have formal office hours (go to section), but will have informal office hours at the Hungry Slug (Thurs 5:30-6:30). You can also ask either of us questions by e-mail.


There is a newsgroup ( ucsc.class.cmpe16) for the class. For posting to the newsgroup, it is generally better to be working from a UNIX machine (or commercial internet provider), so that proper mailing addresses are generated.


This section contains the homework assignments for Fall Quarter 1997. All assignments are from the book Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Third Edition by Kenneth H. Rosen (McGraw-Hill 1995)

NOTE: homework assignments may not be available more than a week or so in advance. If you want to have some idea what is coming up and the homework assignment is not available yet, check the corresponding one from the Fall 1996 offering of the class.


The midterm exam will be Monday 3 Nov 1997. The final exam will be Tuesday 9 Dec 1997 8--11 a.m. in Kresge 321. There will be weekly quizzes (either Monday or Wednesday, depending when I can get the quizzes written).

Collaboration versus individual work

Learning the concepts can be a co-operative effort. Feel free to ask others about the examples in the book or unassigned exercises. Explaining things to others is a good way to solidify your own knowledge of the subject.

The homeworks and exams are strictly individual work. The penalty for cheating (claiming someone else's work as your own) is to be deleted from the class with a permanent mark in your record giving the reason--don't risk it! If you are not clear on the boundary between permitted co-operation and cheating, please come and talk with me.

Because campus regulations do not permit instructors to fail students for cheating except on essential work, all homework and exams in this course are essential. If circumstances warrant, late papers or makeup exams will be permitted.

Kevin Karplus
Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(408) 459-4250