Assignment #4

Assignment Problems (Click on the link to view PDF):

Sample Codes and Illustration :

  1. Download and run the Matlab codes in
    Learn how to use the golden search method combined with the cubic spline interpolation to find the period of a function when the function is known only on a set of data points.

  2. Download and run the Matlab codes in
    Learn how to use the golden search method combined with the cubic spline interpolation to find the distance from a point to a trajectory where the trajectory is only described by N data points.

  3. Download and run the Matlab codes in
    Try to see how the codes work and learn how to use the least square method to fit a linear combination of a set of given functions to the data.
    "LSd5_sc1.m" fits q1(x) = b1+b2*sin(x)+b3*cos(x) to data5.txt.
    "LSd5_sc2.m" fits q2(x) = b1+b2*sin(x)+b3*cos(x)+b4*sin(2*x)+b5*cos(2*x) to data5.txt.
    "LSd6_p2.m" fits p2(x) = b1+b2*x+b3*x^2 to data6.txt.

  4. Download and run the Matlab codes in
    Try to see how the codes work and learn how to use "fft" and "ifft" in Matlab.
    "data_compression.m" shows that a smooth function can be very well approximated by a small fraction of Fourier modes.
    "noise_removal.m" uses the Fourier transform and a filter to remove noise from the data.
    "heat_equation.m" uses the Fourier transform to solve the heat equation.

  5. Computer demonstration of implementing FFT

  6. Computer demonstration of image compression
    "demo_grayscale.m" demonstrates the effect of image compression on a grayscale image. "demo_color.m" demonstrates the effect of that on a color image. Image compression is achieved by storing only those Fourier coefficients that are larger than a threshold. Fourier coefficients that are smaller than the threshold are set to zero.
    The compression method used here is very rudimentary. The JPEG compression uses the same principle but a more sophisticated implementation.