@inproceedings{VanGelderTsuji96, Author = "Van Gelder, Allen and Tsuji, Yumi K.", Title = "Satisfiability Testing with More Reasoning and Less Guessing", Year = 1996, Editor = "Johnson, D. S. and Trick, M.", Publisher = "American Mathematical Society", Series = "DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science", BookTitle = "Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability: Second DIMACS Implementation Challenge.", NOTE = "(Appendix has Tutorial on Statistics in Satisfiability Research)", ANNOTE ="{Abstract: A new algorithm for testing satisfiability of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF) is described. It applies reasoning in the form of certain resolution operations, and identification of equivalent literals. Resolution produces growth in the size of the formula, but within a global quadratic bound; most previous methods avoid operations that produce any growth, and generally do not identify equivalent literals. Computational experience so far suggests that the method does substantially less "guessing" than previously reported algorithms, while keeping a polynomial time bound on the work done between guesses. However, the time trade-off between reasoning and guessing is not yet clear. }", ANNOTE2="{ We present experimental data comparing six branching strategies of the proposed algorithm on a variety of problems, including several Dimacs benchmarks. These branching strategies were shown to be different with statistical significance and a new scheme based on Johnson's maximum satisfiability approximation algorithm was the best on random 3-CNF formulas. In addition to the choice of a branching strategy, we found that {\it variable reordering} can significantly impact the performance for many classes of problems in the Dimacs benchmark. We have also tested both satisfiable and unsatisfiable random 3-CNF formulas with 50-283 variables and 4.27 ratio of clauses to variables; this class is generally acknowledged to be relatively "hard" and required extensive backtracking by other algorithms. The new algorithm has solved them with surprisingly little backtracking: for 200 variables at this ratio, the average number of guesses was 2,955 and the average CPU time was 119 seconds on SunSS10/41. }", ANNOTE3="{ For 283 variables, the average number of guesses was 57,503 with the values ranging from 105 to 182,006 in a set of 100 random formulas. We have also observed that unsatisfiable random problems do not follow the easy-hard-easy pattern. Our results indicate an exponential growth rate of $2^{.004L}$ for random formulas, where $L$ is the number of \emph{occurrences} of literals in the formula. Larger unsatisfiable formulas from circuit-fault analysis, with 500--10400 variables were solved with \emph{no} backtracking in some cases. }" }