CSCI 1300
Introduction to Computing

Fall 1997

Programming Assignment #4

Due Sept. 26

Write a program as follows:

1. Create a class called Car. The class should have:
  • Private member variables x and y of type int (that specify the location of the car on the screen).
  • A private member function called draw() that draws the car at location (x, y) on the screen.
    Note: Use the function gotoxy() to get to the proper place on the screen, then draw the car using cout and characters. The car may be as simple as a single character.
  • Public member functions forward(), backward(), right(), and left() that
  • Erase the car (using clrscr() or by drawing blanks where the car currently is)
  • Increment or decrement x or y, as appropriate.
  • Call draw() to draw the car at the new location.
  • Note: The member functions should check the values of x and y and not increment or decrement anything if they car would be off of the screen. In other words, x must be between 1 and 80 and y must be between 1 and 25.
  • 2. In main()
  • Define a variable of type Car
  • Write a while loop that get character from the user and calls the appropriate function depending on the character
  • If the user types 'f', call forward()
  • If the user types 'b', call backward()
  • If the user types 'r', call right()
  • If the user types 'l', call left()
  • If the user types anything else, break out of the while loop and exit the program