CSCI 1300
Introduction to Computing

Fall 1997

Programming Assignment #2

Due Sept. 12
Write a program that:
  1. Creates a class called Student.
  2. The class should have at least 6 fields (private variables) including at least one of type int, float, char, char* (string), and boolean (True/False). Note that boolean isn't a real type - you have to use an int and assign either 0 (False) or 1 (True) to it.
  3. The fields should represent information about the student that might be found in a University database. The class should include the student's name, student id, age, major, year in school, resident/non-resident status, and any other relevant information you can think of.
  4. Creates an instance of the Student class.
  5. Calls a member function called query_user() that queries the user for the information to put in the fields of the class, filling in the values as it goes along.
  6. Calls a second function called print_info() that prints the values in the various fields of the class.
To hand in:
  • Demo the running program to the TA.
  • Hand in a printout of your program.