CSCI 1300
Lecture Notes


Administrative Stuff 

Run-time allocation and deallocation - new and delete

Declaring variables statically

This is fine, as long as we know everything beforehand.

What if we don't?

If we don't know how many variables we will need, we have to declare, for example, an array that is bigger than the maximum we might want.

Even this isn't always possible.

The new operator
  • Allows us to dynamically allocate objects.
  • Creates a block of memory of the appropriate size
  • Returns a pointer to that block of memory
  • Example:

    new int

    To use this, declare a pointer to the object type you want, then assign it the value of the new operation.


    int *ip;
    ip = new int;

    Note that we don't actually have a name for the integer itself, just a pointer.

    An object created with new

    If we change the value of the pointer, without saving it somewhere, we have lost the object.


    int *ip;
    ip = new int;
    ip = new int;

    In this case, the first int still exists, but we can no longer access it.

    Allocating arrays with new.

    Arrays are just pointers to some memory.

    For example, a sort program could take an unsorted list and return a pointer to a sorted list.

        int *sort(int *unsorted, int size)
            int *sorted = new[size];
            // sort unsorted and put the result in sorted
    To use this, a program might look like this

            int num_elements;
            int i;
            int *unsorted;
            int *sorted;
            cout << "Please enter the number of elements in the list" << endl;
            cin >> num_elements;
            unsorted = new int[num_elements];
            for(i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) {
                cout << "Please enter element " << i << ": ";
                cin >> unsorted[i];
            sorted = sort(unsorted, num_elements);
            cout << "The sorted list:" <<  endl;
            for(i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) {
                cout << sorted[i] << endl;

    The delete operator

    The new operator creates an object that lives for the duration of the program.

    The object does not get destroyed as soon as you exit the function in which it was created.

    delete destroys objects created dynamically

    It takes a pointer to the object as input


    int *ip = new int;
    delete ip;

    The list class