CSCI 1300
Lecture Notes


Administrative Stuff 

Administrative Stuff

  • Assignment #8 due Nov. 12

  • Quiz #3 on Thursday

  • Recursion

  • Binary Search

  • Quicksort

  • Review

    Review: functions

    When a function A calls another function B
  • Execution is suspended in function A.
  • The instructions in function B are executed.
  • Control returns to function A and execution resumes after the function call.
  • For example, if we were to call the function foo(), defined as follows:

      void foo(void)
        cout << "In foo(), before bar()" << endl;
        cout << "In foo(), after bar()" << endl;
    With bar() defined as follows:

      void bar(void)
        cout << "In bar()" << endl;
    Then we would see the following output:

        In foo, before bar()
        In bar()
        In foo, after bar()

    Review: objects

    Remember that an object must be declared before it can be used.

    There are three ways that an object can be declared for use in a function
  • It can be declared globally.
  • It can be passed as a parameter to the function.
  • It can be declared in the function.
  • Objects declared in a function only exist in that function.
  • They are created at the time that the function is called.
  • They are destroyed when the function has finished executing.
  • They are different objects each time that the function is called.
  • They cannot be accessed by other functions, unless they are passed as parameters to that function.
  • What's really going on here? ==> The Stack

    When an object is declared
    Some piece of memory is reserved for it
  • The identifier we specify the variable is essentially a name for that memory.
  • The Stack is the hunk of memory where these variables live.

  • The stack
  • The stack pointer
  • When a function is called - space is allocated, constructors are called
  • When the function exits - space is deallocated, destructors are called
  • Example:
      void foo(void)
         int a;
         int b;
         a = 5;
         b = 7;
         baz(37, 49);
      void bar(int a)
        int b;
        b = a;
      void baz(int a, int b)
        int c;
        int d;
        c = a + b;
        d = a - b;
    If all of this makes sense, you will have no problem with recursion.


    Recursion is what we call it when a function calls itself

    When a function calls itself
  • It is exactly the same as if it called a different function, except
  • The other function being called is the same as the one doing the calling, but
  • The objects being referenced are different
  • Why? Because of the stack implementation of function calls
  • So, what's the big deal with recursion?
  • It's a fairly simple idea
  • It is extremely powerful
  • It greatly simplifies some programming problems.
  • The basic idea is that you
  • Specify the anchor, or trivial case that explicitly defines the function for some trivial value.
  • Specify the inductive or non-trivial case, that defines the function in terms of the parameters and the value of other simpler calls to the function.

  • Example: Computing factorials

    Remember that the factorial of n, written n! is the product n * n-1 * ... * 2 * 1

    The iterative version:

      int factorial(int n)
        int i; 
        int fact = 1;
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
          fact = fact*i;
    The recursive version:
      int factorial(unsigned int n) 
        int fact;
        if(n == 0)    // the anchor case
          fact = 1;
        else          // the inductive case
          fact = n * factorial(n-1);
    It's obvious that this computes the correct value, since n! = n * (n-1)!

    It's also clear that the second version is much easier to understand and more closely matches the mathematical definition of factorial.

    What happens without the anchor case?

    What happens with the stack if we execute factorial(3)? (Picture)

    Example: computing exponentials

      int power(unsigned int n, int pow)
        if(pow == 0)    // anchor case
        else            // inductive case
          return(n * power(n, pow-1));

    Example: printout out a binary number without leading zeroes

      void print_binary(unsigned int n) 
        int binary_digit;
        if(n > 0) {
          binary_digit = n & 1;
          print_binary(n >> 1);
          cout << binary_digit;

    Fibonacci numbers revisited

    Remember from quiz 2 that Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers defined as follows: the first and second Fibonacci numbers are 1. Every other Fibonacci number is defined to be the sum of the previous two Fibonacci numbers. So, the sequence begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...

    Iterative solution:

    int fibonacci(unsigned int n) 
      int fib;
      int last;
      int temp;
      switch(n) {
        case 0:
          fib = 0;
        case 1:
          fib = 1;
        case 2: 
          fib = 1;
          // initialize fib
          fib = 1;
          last = 1;
          for(i = 2; i < n; i++) {
            temp = fib;
            fib += last;
            last = temp;
    Recursive solution:

    int fibonacci(unsigned int n)
      switch(n) {
        case 0: 
        case 1:
        case 2: 
          return( fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2) );

    Binary Search

    If we know that the list is in sorted order, then we can do binary search, which has better average and worst case behaviour than linear search.

    In binary search, we:
  • Look at the middle element of the list.

  • If it is the value we are looking for, we are done.

  • If the value we are looking for is smaller than the middle element, then we continue with the bottom half of the list.

  • If the value we are looking for is larger than the middle element, then we continue with the top half of the list.

  • In effect, binary search splits the list in half and then repeats the algorithm on the half that must contain the value that it is searching for, if it is there at all.

      int binary_search(int list[], int start, int end, int m)
          int i;
          int N = end - start;
          int midval;
          // anchor case
          if(N == 0) {
            if(list[start + N] == m)
              return(start + N);
          // inductive cases
          midval = list[start + N/2];
          if( midval == m )
              return( start + N/2 );
          else if( midval > m)
              return( binary_search(list, start, start + N/2 - 1, m) );
              return( binary_search(list, start + N/2 + 1, end, m) ); 


    Quicksort is an extremely efficient sorting method that is a natural for implementation using recursion

    In quicksort, we
  • Select a pivot value
  • Arrange the list such that
  • Everything to the left of the pivot has a smaller value
  • Everything to the right of the pivot has a larger value
  • Repeat the algorithm on the left and right sublists
      void quicksort(int list[], int start, int end)
        int mid;
        if(start != end) {
          mid = split(list, start, end);
          quicksort(list, start, mid-1);
          quicksort(list, mid+1, end);
      int split(int list[], int start, int end)
        int left = start;
        int right = end;
        int pivot = list[start];
        int temp;
        while(left < right) {
          // scan to the right looking for a value smaller than the pivot
          while(list[right] > pivot)
          // scan to the left, looking for a value larger than the pivot
          while( (left < right) && (list[left] <= pivot) )
          if(left < right) {
            // swap list[left] and list[right]
            temp = list[left];
            list[left] = list[right];
            list[right] = temp;
        list[start] = list[right];
        list[right] = pivot;